As you know, eczema is a chronic skin condition that results in itchy and irritated skin. The area is usually dry and scratching it just worsen the condition. A good regimen is important to control eczema, and it includes washing and moisturising the skin. In Singapore’s humid and hot weather, it makes it worse for people with eczema due to perspiration and heat.
In mild cases, doctors may prescribe over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream. Corticosteroid creams and ointments are also usually prescribed to treat and control eczema. A stronger steroid cream would also be prescribed if the eczema is more severe. Dermatologists would usually recommend that you keep the skin hydrated by regular shower (with a non-drying body wash) and to moisturise immediately afterwards. The purpose of the moisturiser is to keep the keep hydrated, which soothes the itch. The cream or lotion should be applied following the line of the hairs on the skin to reduce irritation.
At, we have a range of organic and natural products that can help control and treat eczema. We have body wash that are gentle on the skin, reduce irritation, and are suitable for babies with eczema. The Little Innoscents Hair and Body Wash is a deep-cleansing hair & body gel infused with sandalwood and sweet orange essential oils. The Super Soothing Hydrating Cleanser by Buds Organics Soothing range cleanses sore, irritated and eczema-prone skin. It contains gluco-oligosaccharide which is a prebiotic that selectively fuels the growth of the healthy bacteria on your baby’s skin while inhibiting the growth of detrimental bacteria.

For after bath care, we have the Little Innoscents Intensive Soothing Cream with the healing properties of calendula & therapeutic properties of rosewood essential oils. This cream soothes itches and moisturise eczema prone skin. The other option is the Buds Organic Super Soothing Rescue Lotion. It is boosted with gluco-ogliosaccharide and packed with a combination of organic ingredients such as calming Shiso extract, soothing aloe vera, recovery boosting Spent Grain Wax, antioxidant rich Olive Leaf Extract and hydrating Fructan that will nourish, treat and heal your baby’s sore, irritated eczema prone skin. It is a best seller for many of our eczema sufferers, babies and adults!

Super Soothing Rescue Lotion, $20.50